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Estás viendo la página 1 de BLei couRT, un blog de LaNsHoR. Escrita el 17/03/2009 a las 12:24:06.
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First of all, sorry for my poor english.

This blog is an attempt of spread diverse aspects about the computation science for all publics (including newbies feliz), and meanwhile, i'll try improve my english level writing some entries in the Shakespeare's Language (like this lengua).

Nevertheless, the most extensive and complex articles surely I'll write them in spanish; and maybe, the most important articles will be written in both languages.

All criticisms are welcome, about the content of the blog or about my horrible and heartless english...


All the posts with corrections will have a "Informativo" (with the lanshor account, the virtual accounts can not to label) and all the posts in english will have a "Magnánimo" (if they have at least one paragraph) abrazo.


Here finish the first page... it's very short, but I wanted to use it to explain the purpose of this blog.

Archivado en: English, Others.
17 PostsPrimogénita: BLei couRT
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Post 1 de 17 // 17/03/2009 a las 12:37:29 Buen Intento x 12.87c.
BLei couRT
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In this page of the LaNsHoR's blog there are some extensions for Firefox more interesting, specifically backword... it's perfect for read texts in english.

PS: The links in the posts over this skins can not be seen correctly... I debug it soon, but in "In this page" there is a link.
C te facilita dispararte en el pie. C++ lo hace más difícil, pero cuando lo haces, te vuela la pierna entera.
Post 2 de 17 // 17/03/2009 a las 14:05:07 Magnánimo x 29.21c.
Vórtice Paladínico
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In my opinion, I think that the virtual users, shouldn´t appear in the user list, because ¡¡don´t really exist!!, apart, i´m happy, .. not happy, ¡excited!, ¡¡horny!! to practice english, but i think that this type of page, won´t (¿will not?), succed.   
A pesar de ser biólogo, no puedo pedirle peras al olmo.
Post 3 de 17 // 17/03/2009 a las 14:35:40 Divertido x 14.17c.
BLei couRT
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Gex dijo:
I think that the virtual users, shouldn´t appear in the user list, because ¡¡don´t really exist!!

Well, but it's better that they appear in some place. If they wouldn't appear in the user list... they wouldn't be in anywhere.

Gex dijo:
but i think that this type of page, won´t (¿will not?), succed.

I supposed that it's a typing error, just in case... do you want to say succeed? don't you?.

Only the time will say if this experiment is woth.

PS: Aaah my eyes!! I have to fix this skin quickly!!

C te facilita dispararte en el pie. C++ lo hace más difícil, pero cuando lo haces, te vuela la pierna entera.
Post 4 de 17 // 17/03/2009 a las 15:37:09 Divertido x 23.76c.
Dama De Las Tinieblas
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oh my god!!! xDDD
la poesía no es de quien la escribe, sino de quien la necesita...
Post 5 de 17 // 17/03/2009 a las 23:01:54 Magnánimo x 42.18c.
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I'm a diehard supporter of Blei Court, because when Blei Court arrives to Log85, everybody gets crazy. Even some people gets horny!

Blei Court, need-to-be-readed to understand the IT's who is who. Blei Court is the last real blogger from heart, always hustlin', dealin' and pimpin' on the net. Because the blogosfera is hard, but Blei Court is strong, you know papi?

Don't be wack. Stay tuned to the brand new blog, bitch. You will never find a skin as fresh as this one!
Post 6 de 17 // 17/03/2009 a las 23:57:25 Divertido x 20.85c.
BLei couRT
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+1 funny!! diabolico


Edited: Perhaps I should had put a song of the day in the page... I know!

One... One plus One..
Two... Sólo tú...
Three... Cyber night
Four... Four seasons...


The link...
C te facilita dispararte en el pie. C++ lo hace más difícil, pero cuando lo haces, te vuela la pierna entera.
Post 7 de 17 // 18/03/2009 a las 20:36:26 21.74c.
BLei couRT
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Deleted my last post about the next page.

I'll explain all from the ground up...

Remember: You can post in spanish :)
C te facilita dispararte en el pie. C++ lo hace más difícil, pero cuando lo haces, te vuela la pierna entera.
Post 8 de 17 // 18/03/2009 a las 21:29:41 Magnánimo x 19.54c.
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Hi there =)

I was gonna start asking if I was supposed to post in English or I was free to do it in any language I wanted but you already answered.

I must say that I think the idea of this new account is awesome. I firstly didnt get the point of being in English considering that we are all far better Spanish speakers (since its our mother tongue). I talked to you today about it though and I think I got the idea.

On the other hand, I wouldn't have uploaded anything so freaking soon! Not cause of the English (because its perfectly understandable) but because I actually haven't found any news nor the interesting articles you talk about. The whole thing is nothing else but a nice and warm intro! (which I would have better set as a first entry) I guess it will all get figured out after your second page is finished.

I was thinking about any advise I could give at all and Im afraid I just cant find any. Im a little worried cause Im not sure Im gonna be able to understand all the computering stuff this is gonna be about (Ill try my best though! ).

Congrats in any case feliz

PS By the way, the more I look at the main pic the more it reminds me of you and L!!
Post 9 de 17 // 18/03/2009 a las 21:30:25 9.65c.
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PS 2 The skin is soooo fucking dull campanilla

Ps 3 Im wondering so bad why you chose your virtual character to be a female ¿?
Post 10 de 17 // 18/03/2009 a las 22:31:47 24.24c.
BLei couRT
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Fucking shit... I have lost the large (and wonderful) post that I was writing...

Afterwards I repeat it if I have the strength...

Edited: Oh! Your new avatar looks great :D
C te facilita dispararte en el pie. C++ lo hace más difícil, pero cuando lo haces, te vuela la pierna entera.
Post 11 de 17 // 18/03/2009 a las 22:49:03 Magnánimo x 25.53c.
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Its a picture my dad took of me which he won a contest with feliz

I just scanned it. I tried to use it as my profile picture but looks very weird dudas
Post 12 de 17 // 18/03/2009 a las 23:03:31 Arte Y Ensayo x 23.51c.
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Post 13 de 17 // 18/03/2009 a las 23:59:42 Interesante x 27.11c.
BLei couRT
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The lost post was saying something as...

I think that are better the posts in english or spanish, but of course you are free to post in any other language (although if you do it I won't understand you :P).

About the song... it's a old joke between Verso and me :)


The true problem of this blog will be the bored content (although for me is very interesting :)). The technical terms won't be a problem, I promise you ^^

Note: The skin is very cool for me... ¬_¬ in any case, is the pre-alfa version of the skin... still isn't complete.


The story of BLei couRT... mmm, in brief: In all my life when I was playing in a rol game, my pg (player character) always was a human paladin named LaNsHoR... but one day I decided taste new experiences... and play with a others characters. Them, I bought the Guild Wars and I make my new and all-powerful character... a human (female) necromancer named BLei couRT (the name was the first that I thought...).

In massively multiplayer online rol-playing games (mmorgs, as world of warcraft) is advantageous be a female... because all players are mans and they try make advantages with you... Sometimes they give you gold and objects or arms, or help you to complete the quests.
C te facilita dispararte en el pie. C++ lo hace más difícil, pero cuando lo haces, te vuela la pierna entera.
Post 14 de 17 // 19/03/2009 a las 11:28:45 31.02c.
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The woman's prerogative Blei Court! I didnt tell you but I actually love the nickname Blei Court euforico
Post 15 de 17 // 19/03/2009 a las 14:18:56 73.44c.
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It's a beautiful name :)
For the good of all of us (except the ones who are dead).
Post 16 de 17 // 23/03/2009 a las 01:24:11 Interesante x 33.77c.
Dama De Las Tinieblas
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Bueno me decido a postear ya.
Soy una cortarroyos xq me parece superdivertido lo del idioma y una perra xq he hecho un par de borradores en inglés de lo q quería decir, xo al final no me he decidido jaja q diferencia entre leerlo y redactarlo eh? ahora comprendo q debería haberte puesto más nota! jaja xo sq era tan corto...
total q mis pajas mentales gramaticales son demasiado grandes xa atreverme :( xo espero q esta página me haga retomar el interés x esa lengua y, sobre todo, me saque de este pozo de ineptitup informática q estoy hecha!!!
ahora bien, lo q venía a decir era q el momentazo de abrir esta página, empezar a leer sin saber de q iba a la cosa hasta q lo asimilé... q susto y q risa... aunq el gris del fondo siento decir q no me hace mucha gracia, x supuesto este blog me parece una gran idea y me entusiasma, tb cómo lo has planteado :D asíq empieza cuanto antes! ;)
la poesía no es de quien la escribe, sino de quien la necesita...
Post 17 de 17 // 23/03/2009 a las 02:03:10 ACK! x 59.76c.
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Lánzate a la piscina! Sin miedo a cagarla como yo, que casi todo o he dicho mal xD

Estoy algo liado últimamente, y la próxima actualización de este blog es difícil de hacer (será en español, pero no sé como explicar algunas cosas para que se entiendan fácilmente y sobretodo, para que os sea interesante)... así que no sé cuando la terminaré.
For the good of all of us (except the ones who are dead).


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Sorry for my poor English

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