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Estás viendo la página 130 del blog de LaNsHoR, escrita el 13/01/2012 a las 20:04:12.
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The Takers by Barcelona on Grooveshark

what makes these boys fall hard,
over all the girls they have fought and won?
these kings work hard and long,
just to ensure that their girls don't run.

oh no, nobody taught them
to love slow, they're crying out at the streets below.
why don't you stay with me?
I think you could save this beast.
but I'll leave you with an empty look.
honey, that's what takers do...
I'm a thief and I'll take you.

what makes these monsters cry?
you can see the gold reflecting in their eyes.
yea, that's just our heaving skin stretched tight,
greedy hands grab what feels right.
oh no, nobody taught them to let go, they don't know.

why don't you stay with me?
I think you could save this beast.
but I'll leave you with an empty look.
honey that's what takers do...
I'm a thief and I'll take you.

oh, oh, oh

if you stay, you would break.
your way to innocence
to take after these violent ways...
you still love and I still take.

stay with me.
I think you could save this beast.
but I'll leave you with an empty look.
honey, that's what takers do...
I'm gonna take you and you'll stay with me.
well, I think you can save this beast.
but I'll leave you with an empty look.
honey, that's what takers do...
1 PostPrimogénito: Marcus Style
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Post 1 de 1 // 27/04/2012 a las 10:11:42 ¡Me gusta! x 10.87c.
Marcus Style
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Muy buena =)


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